Understand the life
of the medieval
community thru ART
Popular Art Courses
Trusted by millions
Thy American Experience
Thy Ancient Experience
Thy California Experience
Thy Age of Exploration
Areta Press
Founder: Kimberly J. Frassett, BFA
In 1985, Kim Frassett began an innovative art education program in her garage in Huntington Beach, California. She began to teach her own children art lessons that coordinated with their history or science subjects. Believing primary sources to be the most truthful and interesting source of educational information she used art samples from the period under study as examples in art history or science to teach her students representational drawing. She began to include her children’s friends in these art lessons. The classes grew until she was teaching as many as 350 students a week in various locations throughout Los Angeles and Orange County.
Since that time, the vision and scope of her program have grown. She has spent the last 20 years developing this idea into an interdisciplinary art education program where the student learns representational drawing technique at the same time as they are learning science or history, writing and geography.